Thursday, May 21

About 3 hours

left of school this year! Only two blocks tomorrow and school will officially be out for summer break.

About 35 hours left until I am officially a senior...

I will not cry! I WILL NOT CRY!!!
Tomorrow will be a great day and I will not cry. I am going to miss everybody this summer. All of my friends, I will probably see Katie a lot though, so that cheers me up :)

I am going to miss all of my friends who are graduating Saturday. Today was their last day at school! I almost cried when I told Shelby goodbye today. I am going to miss her. She made the worst class in the whole entire school awesomely fun! I have enjoyed picking on her blonde moments and hearing about her crazy boy stories.

I am going to miss Lindy too. She was like my watcher. She always made sure I was ok and I understood math. She left me her parking spot in the senior will and testament. I will think of her every single day as I park in a different spot in the parking lot. LOL!

Those of you who know Lindy understand.

Only about 35 hours, and I WILL NOT CRY!!!

1 observation(s):

AngelDust12 said...

Hey I'm having a hard time posting on Liams blog can you tell him to look my blog. My blog address is Thnx. Wow your let out of skool much earlier than me. I get out June 11 technacially June 12th but exams are done by the 11th.